
The Magazine(In)Visível emerged in 2011 from the recognition of the lack of communication spaces accessible to a vast and differentiated public that enable dialogues and debates through critical approaches to themes that are dear to traditional information vehicles. What can be easily seen is that various themes of potential social relevance are either treated in a superficial and limited way by the media or, when explored in a critical and in-depth way, they cannot - or do not aspire - to overcome the imposing walls that separate, with efficiency, the academic world of the so-called “social reality”. In other words, the initial idea was to create a horizontal space for discussion where the themes chosen for each edition of the magazine can emerge from invisibilities imposed both by the informational market spectacularization and by the hegemony of scientific knowledge.

The project finished in 2014, when it published its latest edition about "Madness".


Revista (In)visível – Edição Zero
September 2011

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Revista (In)visível – Edição Um  
October 2012

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In this edition we propose to expand the perspective on slavery. Our intention is to escape the visions tied up in historical time. We seek to broaden our view of the different theoretical and popular frameworks that have dominated and marginalized the interpretations of this phenomenon. The proposal is to treat it without etymological delicacies so that readers and readers are faced with a more stripped path in relation to the empirical harshness of its social meaning. Good reading!



Revista (In)visível – Edição Final
April 2014

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How to approach madness? For treatment or giving her a voice? Who are crazy and crazy? To what extent is madness considered an escape from reality? Or is it an expression of uneasiness with everyday life? What are the scientific advances in dealing with madness? What is the artistic reality that emerges in the dialogue or internally to madness? Is madness "art" or a psychic evil? Is it joy or suffering? In this edition, we provide readers with an overview of the conflict - still irresolute and without "treatment" - that lies between the therapeutic, the artistic and the humanizing perspective.

Evento de lançamento

Naked Reading with Juliana Japiassú 
Held on September 28, 2011, live on the internet. Well before Instagram lives, okay! 


Jornal Público: “(in)visível: O porno já não é só para o homem-branco-hetero 

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